Constitution Day – Grundlovsdag

On 5 of June we celebrate the first Danish Constitution (Danish: Grundlovsdag). We celebrate both the Constitution of 1849 and the updated constitution of 1953, as they were both signed on this date.
The Danish Constitution of 1849 was signed by Frederik the VII and established Denmark as a constitutional monarchy. From 1660 until 1849 Denmark had been an absolute monarchy. The change in constitution of 1953  meant amongst other things that it would be possible for women to inherite the Danish throne. This made it possible for at-the-time-Princess Margrethe to become queen.
The day has added significance as women were given the vote on 5 June 1915.
As a general rule, 5 of June is a working day, however, in many workplaces, it is accustomed that it’s turned into a half or full holiday. You should also be aware that most schools and shops are closed on the Constitution Day. Grundlovsdag is celebrated around the country with political rallies and speaches.
This day is also “Father’s Day” in Denmark.
Written by Laura Pilmark

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